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F.U.Q.U.E.™ is a graphic project that I created more than 20 years ago in my music studio, previously located on the majestic island of St. Croix, USVI. To date, I'm a music producer, artist, engineer, and Co-Owner of parent company, NDVID™ Entertainment. What began as an idea that represented my refusal to be confined to stereotypical roles for women within a male-dominated music industry (and life in general) quickly manifested into a logo that would come to represent my entire persona, both in and out of the studio. As a signed music producer in the 90's, I often faced rejection by many of my male counterparts, mostly because I wasn't the type of talent they were accustomed to. Although I was "normal" to me, many considered my presence and musical style as "eccentric" and didn't mesh with their narratives. And with my level of talent and intellect, that was a problem, too, being that that others saw me as more of as a threat because I couldn't be controlled or manipulated into fitting into a mold that they had designed for me. What they failed to realize, however, is that I was never one for taming, never one for settling less than my worth, and never allowing anyone else to control the narrative of my own destiny. Twenty years later, I'm still as UNTAMED as ever; just a wee bit more refined and polished by experience and wisdom.
And, with that being said...I'll lastly say this. If you have a dream...if you have a vision...then make it manifest. If you don't, I promise will never have a life of true meaning. Go to the ends of the earth, if you have to. Be willing to lose everything and everyone in the process and know that, after it's all said and done, that which is and those whom are gone were never meant to be. You've only got one shot at this life. LIVE IT. I greatly encourage you all to absorb as much as you can about everything in life, while you have time. Don't settle for less; speak up and speak out. Be the best YOU and don't be afraid to stand alone. Talk shit, learn shit, love, hate, succeed, and fail, because there's a lesson in all of those things. Like I always say, "Some people are followers; some are born to lead. Just follow your own lead."
Your life. Your path. Your journey. Run it!!!
Welcome to my world. Feel free to make it a part of yours!!! Peace & Blessings...
T. Austin Reed,
CEO, F.U.Q.U.E. Apparel Co.